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Finding Clues to Your Purpose
In this episode, I help guide you through an exercise to start finding clues that point your to your purpose or to find more joy in your life.
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Parenting Support: Building resilience and trust
We all have different experiences in our lives and this can impact how we relate to the world and what skills we have. This is even more true for the little ones we have in care, whether as a parent or educator. It...
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I saw or heard it, but what does it mean?
A client recently said to me, "I see the signs, but I don't know what they mean". This episode is just the tip of the iceberg on how to practice understanding the signs and messages you are receiving.
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Nature Connection can start inside the home
Look around your home and see what natural products are around you. Are there things you can change to bring the more natural world in?
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We Have a Choice
In this episode, I share a story and then continue on to talk about darkness vs light and how we each have a choice to shine the light. To push back against the darkness. We have a choice.
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Failing is Success
When trying and not succeeding to the level you want to succeed to, it isn't a failure. It is only a failure if you don't try! In this episode I share about a recent hike I went on and what happened. The people I ran...
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Confusion is a Means to Freedom
Today's episode focuses on reframing confusion to allowing it to provide choices, which lead to freedom. To Find Heather: To learn more about Heather's services:...
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Is Selfishness Bad?
Loneliness and What it Can Lead To.
Loneliness is a void in our life that can be filled. It is how we fill it that defines where we go from there.
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Letting Go to Allow Life to Come In
To allow beauty in, you need to create space for it. Sometimes that requires letting go of something that is no longer serving you.
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Intro to Lessons from the Trail
A new beginning!
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Being a Sensitive Being, with Anita Kaiser
Anita Kaiser is a Trauma informed coach who specializes in supporting empaths and highly sensitive entrepreneurs to feel SAFE inviting more SUCCESS into their business.
Where to find...
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