People are Dynamic, with Krystal Carruthers

I use to be a person that thought hustle, hard work, staying with the same job and doing the same thing day in and day out was living. But I was so wrong. I am Krystal. I am a military wife, dog mom, massive Star Wars and Marvel Nerd, and podcaster. I lost myself when I moved across the country and found out the hard way that staying with the same job for 30 years was not going to happen with a husband in the military. However my identity was so ingrained in my job. That’s all I that I was. So I did some extensive soul searching. Read a ton of books, listen to a bunch of podcasts started following people who inspired me instead of making me feel like poop and I have never looked back. I found myself, I started loving who I was and everything else fell in place. Once I started to really love who I was the weight issue that I thought I had was not an issue, I exercise because it’s fun, for self care, and who doesn’t want to lift a crap tone of weight lol. I now have a different outlook on life. Now, I don’t sugar coat things, this is hard work. Probably some of the hardest things I have ever done but every step, every tear, every moment of wtf what am I doing, it’s all worth it!!

Where to find Krystal:

Fierce fun and free podcast

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Where to Find Heather: