Creative Spark, Armor, and Nature Connection with Barb Cook

Barb Cook was born in Geelong, Australia, trained and worked as a primary teacher and taught dance, dance therapy, dance choreography and movement studies in various private, therapeutic, and community settings. Her ongoing journey of personal and spiritual growth and her need to live an authentic life has taken her on a path familiar to many—pain, awareness, healing, and the sense that she is, after all, a soul on a journey. Her first book, “Good Choice – A Soul’s Story”, was written (only for herself she thought) in 1990. It was only a personal upheaval in 2014, and the ensuing burst of compassion, that convinced her to publish in 2016. It went on to be one of 3 finalists in the New Age Fiction category of the International Book Awards in 2016. She now offers modalities such as Mindfulness Meditation, Reiki, Soul Focused Psychotherapy and online Soul Journey workshops. Along with her blog, newsletter and social media feeds, she loves assisting people to “reawaken their essence”. Barbara is a passionate spirit, aspiring to live an authentic and integrous life.

Where to find Barb:


Website –

Facebook –


Youtube channel -

Where to Find Heather: